Browse through the ecard website Ecard4all. This ecard website offers free ecards to be selected for all occasions. When you open the website, just look at the top navigation bar to find the ‘birthday’ section. Just click it and then scroll through the web pages to find out a free birthday ecard that you like the most. By means of clicking a card, you’ll be directed to a page. That’s where you’re prompted to fill out the information of recipient. Right at the bottom of the same page, you will find the button which says to preview the ecard wherein you can view the card before you send it to the recipient.
Step 2:
Apart from sending free birthday cards, you can select anything like beautiful flowers ecards. Free flowers ecards can be a wonderful option, especially when you have the option to customize the free ecards to prepare it for the occasion.
Step 3:
At, you will find add background option to customize your ecard the way you want it to be. Use the message box to write your personalized birthday message for a friend or a relative. You’ll find a preview option. When you finish customizing the birthday ecard, just preview it to check whether it’s done correctly or not. Then you can send it to your friend.