Valentine’s Day is a very special occasion. It is not just for lovers, it is a day when everyone from all age groups come together to celebrate. It is an occasion where lovers acknowledge each other, share presents and try to make the day special for each other. It is a misconception that the day is only for lovers, children should be a part of this special day. It is a great occasion when kids can share presents with friends, acknowledge each other, appreciate each other and engage in crafts.
It is especially significant in today’s day and time. Most people live in nuclear families and don’t socialize much. Children have lesser friends than they used to in olden times. So they get fewer opportunities to mix, learn and share.
Handmade gifts for Valentine’s Day are the perfect way to engage kids. There are loads other things kids can do to make the day special.
Organize a tea party for friends

Help your child celebrate by inviting few of her best friends over for a snack party. Arrange for music and games and let the kids have fun through the day. Help your child make
special handmade cards for her friends. Personalize these cards with
friendship messages. Give out the cards and chocolates so the kids feel happy.
Arrange for special meals
Now if your little one has a sweet tooth or fetish for some special kind of cuisine, arrange for the stuff on Valentine’s Day. The idea is to make the little one feel he/she is so special and loved. Kids generally enjoy cakes and candies. Try and bake a heart shaped cake with your child’s favorite icing. Select special cake toppers that reflect the spirit of the occasion.
Make a gesture
Valentines is about loving, caring and sharing. It is an occasion when you can encourage your kid to do a good deed. The feel good factor will encourage the child to be more humane and sensitive to others; and is in fact the true message of Saint Valentine who began this tradition. You can encourage your kid to take out clothes that she doesn’t wear so you can distribute them among poor children. You can arrange for food to be distributed to kids who are not so fortunate. Ensure your child’s complete involvement so she knows the value of appreciating and helping others.
Snuggle in for a family movie night
Get your hands on motion picture CDS that reflect the theme of togetherness, family and love. Arrange for yummy snacks and gather around the television set with the entire family.
Organize day picnics
You can arrange a small garden party or day picnics with your kid’s friends to an entertainment park or garden. Pack snacks, cakes and chocolates and arrange for fun outdoor games. Kids are sure to love it.